Helen Mae Deeg Tiede was born May 19, 1933 to Fred and Lea Permann Deeg. She died on Friday, May 8, 2015; six days after Otto, her husband of 63 years.
Helen grew up on the Deeg family farm in the Rockland Valley. As a “farm girl” she could be heard singing on horseback as she herded the cows. Her father often said she could drive tractor straighter than any hired man!
She attended school in American Falls. Upon graduation, she married Otto Tiede October 14, 1951. They farmed together in Pleasant Valley until their retirement. They had four children, Vicki (Bill) Meadows, Debora (Clay) Erickson, James (Debbie) Tiede and Patricia Tiede; eight grandchildren, twelve great-grandchildren and many individuals who claimed her as their “adopted mother.” She was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church.
Otto and Helen traveled extensively both in the U.S. and abroad as well as spending time with family and friends at their Island Park cabin which they shared with all. Helen loved to garden, both flowers and vegetables. Gardening provided the necessary diversion as she endeavored to teach her children to not only cook but CLEAN UP after cooking! Helen also taught her children and grandchildren the love of canning. Her fruit room was a rainbow of Mason jars.
When she and Otto moved from the farm to town, she began quilting and produced many beautiful creations for her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She worked with the St. John’s Lutheran World Relief Quilt Project, piecing and binding hundreds of quilts over the years.
Helen’s many talents included her beautiful voice but her greatest gift was her ability to be a “mother” to anyone who needed her. She was our advocate and our staunch defender. She believed in serving the people as “persons” and shared all she had with all who came to her. Everyone was treated as her own. It was a rare occasion when there weren’t “extra brothers and sisters” in her home and at her table. And no matter how many, there was always room for one more, be it a day or a year. She believed she was “blessed to be a blessing” and truly loved others as HE loved her. Blessed be the memory of Helen Tiede, Mom and Grandma.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, May 16 at 11 a.m. at St John’s Lutheran Church in American Falls. Viewings will be held on Friday, May 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. and also on Saturday, May 16 from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. at St John’s Lutheran Church.
In lieu of flowers Helen requested that memorials be sent to St. John’s Lutheran Church.
Condolences and memories may be shared at www.davisrosemortuary.com.

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