Betty Irene Ainsworth Grischkowsky died after a brief bout with leukemia on Saturday, Sept. 3, 2016. She was born to Bud and Rosetta Ainsworth on Jan. 24, 1931. Services were held at St. John’s on Thursday, Sept. 8.
She married Herb Grischkowsky on June 6, 1949. Herb passed away on Feb. 14, 2003.
She is survived by: her three children, Ellen Faye (Sid) Roth of American Falls, and Jim (Susan) Grischkowsky and Rosie (Stuart) Popsom of Pocatello. She had six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
The family apologizes for lack of notice, but due to Labor Day weekend and expenses, proper notice was not possible. In lieu of flowers, the family would greatly appreciate any donations be sent to Davis-Rose Mortuary to help defray funeral costs.

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