To the editor,
What a wonderful community we live in! Thank you so much for supporting our local Distinguished Young Woman program. We were postponed because of the chaos in the world today, and it was inconvenient, but everyone rallied and we went forward and made the most of it! Thank you to all the fantastic contributors. We had collected all of our scholarship money before the original scheduled date in April. Then we were postponed. We live in an incredibly generous community that supports our youth. We are so lucky!
Thank you to all the production crew that worked to make the sound, lights and video. And thanks to Tiger Productions for the Facebook Live feed. All these fantastic people donated all their time and equipment, and it was a LOT OF TIME!
Thank you to Aberdeen’s DYW Committee for all their time and energy! I have the most wonderful ladies that love the girls and are so willing to do what each girl needs. Everyone takes their responsibility and just gets it done! Thanks to the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce for supporting the program. And, finally, thanks to the wonderful junior girls that participated this year. From the beginning to the end – two months longer than planned – they gave it their all and finished with a “Bang!”
Love my town!
Melanie Beck
DYW Committee Chairman
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