To the editor,
In the Feb. 24, 2021, issue of The Power County Press I made the statement that the “wind towers” construction debris depleted the life expectancy of our demo pit by three years. That is clearly misleading and simply not true.
I retract my statement and will explain what I was intending to present.
In 2011 as a newly elected official one of my duties was over the transfer station/landfill, in mid May of 2011 I met with our solid waste supervisor and also our engineer Neil Morgan, along with Rodney Burch of Dioptra Geometrics to discuss amending and creating an operation plan for future demolition pits. Our current pit from 2002 was nearing life expectancy.
The comment was made to me that the wind towers debris could finish off what would normally be three years of one household’s debris.
I have since discovered that never happened, as our supervisor made a smart move to dispose of the co-mingled debris from the construction to the floor of the transfer station and transfer it off site to preserve the remaining pit.
Keep in mind that these pits contain 28,000 cubic yards and cost $35,000 to construct. We did construct a new pit in July of 2011 to serve our county residents and again in 2017.
Our local wind towers do indeed provide funding for our county through a shared revenue of 3 percent of production, that equates to nearly $800,000.00 per year to Power County.
So as you can see, they are certainly contributing members to our community.
Delane Anderson
Power County Commissioner
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