Mooney Ray Spillett,
65, of Pocatello, ID, passed
away on Wednesday, June
22, 2022, due to various
health conditions.
Mooney was born in
Pocatello on June 1, 1957
to James Vaughn “Ted” and
Eva Beth (Udy) Spillett.
He grew up on Bryan Road
doing all the things that
kids in the 60’s did – riding
bikes all day, playing baseball until dusk and night
games after dark.
But Mooney’s favorite
activity was driving every
weekend to Rockland, ID,
to help his grandpa, uncles,
cousins and his dad work
from sunup to sundown on
the family farm. Mooney
had a toy John Deere tractor when he was young and
continued to love to drive
the tractors and other farm
When Mooney was
16 years old, his Grandpa (Ray) Spillett died, so
Mooney went to live in
Rockland with Grandma
Grace to help on the farm.
He loved his time in Rockland. He was embraced by
the community and school
and served as Student Body
President, and even played
football – all 125 pounds
of him! He graduated from
Rockland High School in
1975 and went on to attend Ricks College and
then serve a mission for
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints to the
Columbus, Ohio mission.
Mooney was blessed
with two sons, David and
Jason, whom he loved
dearly. The boys were his
pride and joy!
Being a dad
and grandpa
were his favorite roles.
M o o n e y
was known
for two things:
hard work and
service. He
was always
serving and
thinking of
others. He’d
give you the
shirt off his
back without a second
thought and
would expect nothing in return. He had the most giving and Christ-like heart.
Working hard was in his
nature – he was the warehouse foreman for Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25 for over 40 years.
Many times, before and
during his career at PCSD
#25, he successfully managed two or more jobs at
one time. In
addition, he’d
hit the road
to Rockland
on the weekend to help
on the farm.
A l t h o u g h
farming is
c o n s i d e r e d
“work” to
most, Mooney loved it.
M o o n e y
loved icecold Coke,
Ford trucks,
western movies, and circus peanuts; but he will be
remembered for his Christlike nature, contentment,
loyalty, service, humbleness, giving heart, and gentle demeanor.
Mooney is survived
by: his sons, David (Cori)
Spillett of Pocatello, Jason
(Amber) Spillett of Grace,
ID; his mother, Eva Beth
Spillett of Pocatello; his
sister, LaNae (Dave) Robinson of Thatcher, ID; and
six grandchildren, Mason,
Alysa, Adison, Trey, Case
and Emmett. He is preceded
in death by his father, James
Vaughn “Ted” Spillett; and
his grandparents, Ray and
Grace Spillett and Grant
and Fern Udy.
A viewing was held
Sunday, June 26, from 5
to 7 p.m. at Wilks Funeral
Home in Chubbuck.
Funeral services were
held Monday, June 27, at the
Cedar LDS Church at 550
W. Cedar St. in Pocatello at
11 a.m. with a viewing one
hour prior to the service.
Internment took place at
the Valley View Cemetery
in Rockland.
Memories and condolences may be shared with
the family at

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