Jean Stephan was born on Aug. 10, 1928 in American Falls, ID, and passed away Nov. 13, 2023 after a long and productive life. She was 95 years old.
She worked at Dairymen’s Creamery and roller skated at the local rink, where she met William (Bill) Stephan. They roller skated their way into matrimony on Jan. 11, 1948, residing in Sioux City, IA, for several years. The family moved to Colorado, Washington and then Payette, ID, where Jean took care of the family while Bill was out selling tools. She even raced their Studebaker at the Ontario, OR, Fairgrounds where the flagman, one of her classmates, saw her practicing and sent her to the back of the field for the start. She still won! They co-owned National Industrial Tool Supply and then Power Tool and Supply for several years.
Jean was initiated into Harmony Rebekah Lodge #22 on April 18, 1968 and was a devoted Rebekah, serving at the local and state levels. She loved the traditions, events, activities and regalia and treasured the many friendships she formed there. Jean served as President of the Rebekah Assembly of Idaho from 1992-1993, was a Past President of the I.A.R.A and held many other positions within the organization, including serving on the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Visual Research Foundation Committee, Wilmer’s Institute. She received the Decoration of Chivalry in 1982 and a Merit Jewel from her Rebekah Lodge. Jean and her husband enjoyed working on the IOOF Rose Parade floats in Pasadena, CA, and on the legion and lodge’s floats for the parades held in Payette each year. Jean and her husband hosted foreign exchange students three times through the IOOF International Youth Exchange. She was always ready to help and to take on a challenge.
Jean was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary for over 35 years and was honored in 2021 with a membership certificate which cited her as an outstanding contributor to the accomplishment of their programs. She served as Department President, Unit Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain and Sergeant-at-Arms, and on the board of the Idaho Syringa Girls State, attending the event as a counselor. The girls often sent her thank you notes. Jean and her husband Bill were instrumental in the creation of the Payette County Veterans Memorial and she placed a wreath on the wall during the dedication ceremony. Jean and Bill were honored to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, DC. She helped with the food convoy, the gift table, and making tray favors from pine cones and distributing them to the VA Hospital in Boise. She loved visiting with the veterans there. For all her time and efforts, she received a certificate as a Treasured Volunteer in 2006. She helped out at the fish fries and the Saturday morning breakfasts. She loved her work with the American Legion Auxiliary and took great pride in their activities and all the treasured friendships she made there.
Jean was a breast cancer survivor for over 40 years. Jean took organ lessons at Lowrey’s and played for her family. Jean and Bill raised dashounds. Their dashounds traveled with them everywhere and were part of the family. Bill and Jean helped start the Just For Fun Motorcycle Club, Inc., which lasted for many years, with many happy memories and reunions. She was active with her church and the Payette Senior Center.
She and her husband Bill were married for over 65 years. She is survived by her children, Chuck, Charlene, Clint and Curt and their wives, six grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. She made a tremendous impact on all she knew and did. Jean was dearly loved and will be deeply missed.
Funeral services will be held at the Payette United Methodist Church, 502 North 11th, Payette, ID 83661 at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 13, 2024, with food and refreshments following. Cards may be sent to the Stephan family at 8990 Raby Lane, Payette, Idaho 83661. There will also be a basket for cards at the church. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Payette Senior Center’s Meals on Wheels program, 137 Main Street, Payette, ID, 83661.

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