#8 Help Wanted
CITY OF ABERDEEN FULL TIME ASSISTANT CLERK/: The City of Aberdeen is looking for qualified applicants for the position of Assistant clerk. Position summary available upon request at City Hall. Applications, along with a resume, will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary will be negotiated depending upon applicant’s experience. Benefit package includes insurances and PERSI retirement. Applicants do NOT need to be residents of the City of Aberdeen to apply. Bilingual (English/Spanish) applicants strongly encouraged to apply but not required. Send applications to: City of Aberdeen, Attn: Stephanie Wallace, PO Box 190, Aberdeen, ID 83210; Email to: cityclerk@aberdeenidaho.us; Fax to 208-397-3431; or Drop off at City Hall 33 N Main St, Aberdeen, ID.
THE CITY OF ABERDEEN is taking applications for ordinance officer/city employee in the city’s Public Works Department. Experience with equipment operation preferred. Word & Excel computer skills needed. Must be able to handle stressful situation. This is a full time position with benefits. Applications can be picked up at Aberdeen City Hall, 33 N. Main, 8 am-5 pm Mon.-Fri or online at aberdeenidaho.us. E.O.E.
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