Published in The Aberdeen Times May 29, June 5, 2019
Notice is hereby given that the City of Aberdeen Planning and Zoning Board will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers at City Hall on June 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. where all interested persons may be heard. Green Gold Development located at 84 E. Bingham Ave. has requested a Variance to put a pipe stack on top of their building up to 60-feet high to reduce noise from air inlet to dust control cyclone system. The maximum building height in the industrial zone is 45-feet unless a special use permit or variance is granted to allow a greater height.
Anyone wishing to be heard on this issue, for or against, is asked to contact the City Clerk at 33 North Main St. or call (208)397-4161 prior to the hearing, and then attend the hearing at which time they will be heard.
City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. If accommodations are needed, please contact City Hall at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.
Linda Balls
City Clerk/Treasurer

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