Author: admin

Classified 9-6-23

#8 Help Wanted WANTED STORE CLERKS FOR KEN’S MARKET. Part time and full time. Apply in person at Ken’s Food Market or onb line @

Bus drivers are a vital part of school district

As the new school year for the Aberdeen School District begins, many school buses will be seen driving down the roads taking students to and from their various school activities. Because it is such a common scene during the school…

Woodworth, Koompin are A.F. golf club champions

Charlie Woodworth and Brianna Koompin were crowned the club champions for the year at the American Falls Golf Course after the club championship tournament Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 26 and 27. … Read the full story and more in the…

Legals The Power County Press 9-6-23

A.F. sets fees for vendor food license | AMENDED AFSD 381 2024-Publication-Four-Year-Summary | City adjusts sanitation rates | City sets fees, rates for water | City sets sewer rate schedule | City sets utility assistance rates | Falls Irrigation plans…