Author: admin

Patricia Andreasen

Patricia Mendenhall Smith Andreasen, 93, passed away Saturday morning, Dec. 10, 2022 at Logan Regional Hospital in Logan, UT, from effects of heart failure. She was born Nov. 18, 1929 in Thatcher, ID, to Millen Herd and Della Thatcher Mendenhall.…

Aberdeen cheerleaders do well in competition

The Aberdeen High School cheerleaders competed in the Idaho Cheer and Dance Classic at Pocatello High School on Saturday, Dec. 3. They competed against other cheer squads from 2A and 3A schools and did very well. Aberdeen placed second ……

Old guys whip pups

The old guys in the annual Mesquite, NV, HD golf group returned victorious against the young whippersnappers about two weeks ago…. Read the full story and more in the paper edition of The Power County Press! Subscribe Today!

Pleasant Valley was home to plenty of school options

Know Your Small Town by Celia Klassen Press/Times staff writer The Pleasant Valley area, between American Falls and Aberdeen, had more than one school. These schools were named: American, Fairview, Mount View, Mount Hope, Lincoln, McKinley, Williams, Central, Cedar Creek,…

LaRae Pratt Hilton Rouse

LaRae Pratt Hilton Rouse passed away on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022 in Nampa, ID. She was born July 11, 1939, in Preston, ID, the first child of Samuel Ray Pratt and Mabel Susanna Nelson. She was later joined by younger…

American Falls High School Approves New Gym

At the school board meeting on Monday, Nov. 28 plans for a new auxiliary gym at the high school were approved to put out for bids. The gym was part of the original high school building plan but was taken…

High school holds food drive

The 2022 food drive held by the Aberdeen high school student council was held recently and the high school students were able to contribute over 1000 lbs. of food and close to $300 to the Aberdeen food bank. The individual…

Thanks for annual pie fundraiser support

To the editor, The Power County Hospital Pink Ladies Auxiliary thanks the community for their support in the Annual Pie Fundraiser. We greatly appreciate the continued support throughout the years. We also thank St. John’s Lutheran Church for allowing us…