Category: Brett Crompton

Stealin’ rocks, and doin’ time

A Nampa man may be breaking rocks instead of stealing them after being sentenced to nine months in prison in U.S. District Court on Monday for stealing rocks from Bureau of Land Management ground. Following his release from prison he’ll…

Advertising panhandlers

It was refreshing the other day when a friend of mine who is heavy into the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation came in to discuss an ad in our newspapers for their upcoming banquet. Steve Johnson was once a businessman in…

Good for the goose, good for the gander

I found it ironic earlier this month when Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, accused the CIA of secretly removing classified documents from her staff’s computers in the middle of an oversight investigation. Feinstein has long been…

Celebrating milestones

And they said it wouldn’t last. Debbie and I celebrated our 30th anniversary on St. Patrick’s Day this past Monday. It’s one of several milestones we’ll celebrate this year. The second will be on Debbie’s birthday, May 19, when she…

Visions of the future,or just hallucinations

This might sound silly, but I’ve started feeling sorry for the doves that were displaced when the old Silver Horseshoe bar was torn down. The birds tend to wander around aimlessly, paired up in couples, looking for a new abandoned…

Add the Words protest hits home

Gay rights activists in Idaho have been peacefully assembling on a regular basis within the halls of the Idaho Capital Building for a good part of this legislative session, without much notice or fanfare from our end of the state,…

You meet the friendliest people

It was a coincidence, but an interesting one, when three times in one week people from out of town, who have no connection to the community, told me how much they love American Falls. I’d like to turn them over…

Now I need time to relax

Vacations come in all shapes and sizes. Some are meant for relaxation and nothing else. Some are meant to see the sights and experience new things. Some are meant for visiting friends and family. Mine, it seems, try to wrap…

Whatever the path, make it your own

It was a wonderful early Christmas present a couple weeks ago when Debbie and I watched as our youngest son donned cap and gown and marched across the stage at Idaho State University to receive his associate’s degree in graphic…