Category: Press Opinion

National Healthcare by Celia Klassen Time for Tea

I am not one to bring up controversial topics very often. I enjoy being very non-political. However, the debate on National Healthcare is one that I really do feel passionate about because I have lived with National Healthcare and I…

Building materials from Pioneer Days

e.g. “Time for Tea” by Celia Klassen Anybody who knows anything about pioneer history knows they lived in log cabins. It amazes the writer how people managed to build dwellings with no prior experience. Until you take the time to…

Chicken Math

Time for Tea by Celia Klassen If you’ve had anything to do with chickens you’ll likely know what that term means. Quite simply it’s ending up with more chickens than you planned, and possibly other animals as well. In the…

Writing stories that define our community

My Thoughts by Elaine Blik, Editor The Aberdeen Times Well, last week I just finished the final issue of the Aberdeen Times for 2022, which is the 20th issue I have had the pleasure of putting together in my new…

Add one more resolution to your New Year’s list

Time for Tea by Celia Klassen We are always making resolutions; “I’m going to diet starting next week”, “I’m going to save money”, “I’m going to do better at XYZ”, “I’m going to get better grades”. We say these things…