Category: 08 Help Wanted

Classifieds 12-11-24

#8 Help Wanted PLEASANT VALLEY POTATO, INC. is seeking a full-time accounting clerk. The preferred candidate will possess a basic understanding of bookkeeping and a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and QuickBooks. Wage is based on educational qualifications and experience.…

Classifieds 1-27-24

#8 Help Wanted CITY OF ABERDEEN FULL TIME ASSISTANT CLERK/: The City of Aberdeen is looking for qualified applicants for the position of Assistant clerk. Position summary available upon request at City Hall. Applications, along with a resume, will be…

Classifieds 9-13-23

#8 Help Wanted NAPA IS LOOKING FOR 2 full-time counterman positions. One in our AF store & one in our Aberdeen store. Health insurance & pto are provided. Call Felipe @ 208-226-2740 for AF or Jayden @208-397-3630 for the AB…

Classified 9-6-23

#8 Help Wanted WANTED STORE CLERKS FOR KEN’S MARKET. Part time and full time. Apply in person at Ken’s Food Market or onb line @