Monica Bethke 7-5-23

Monica Bethke passed away on Thursday, June 29, 2023, at her home surrounded by her loved ones. For service information, to order flowers, or to share condolences, memories, and photos, please visit

A.F. golf ladies play even holes

The American Falls Ladies Golf Association on Wednesday, June 21, played an even holes game where they only counted shots from holes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Winning the play was Katie Miles with 25. … Read the full story…

Rockland school fees will increase

Activity and athletic fees for the Rockland School District will be increasing effective with the 2023-2024 school year. These increases were discussed and determined appropriate by the Rockland School District Board of Trustees due to increasing official costs and equipment/supplies…

Philip Marvin Burley 6-28-23

June 14, 1943 – June 17, 2023 Philip Marvin Burley was born on June 14, 1943, the oldest son of Charlotte Stephan Burley and Marvin Burley in Caldwell, ID on Flag Day, which was very important to him. Phil attended…